
EFS Gets Grant Monies From Arts Erie and PA Council of The Arts!!!

Yay for free money!!! John(along with his lovely wife Dorota) and Adam recieved a swanky check at an even swankier get together at Erie's Warner Theater earlier this week. The grant makes up a large portion of the EFS budget, and is therefore totally sweet. There were many other organizations from EUP that were also granted funds, but none as mysterious and strangly attractive as the Edinboro Film Series. When asked to describe what we do, John replied with a snide, "What DON'T *wink* we do?"

But in all seriousness, the EFS would not be able to put on any events without this funding. So, since it's election season, vote for your local representative that supports the arts! Like Senator Jane Earll. anyway, just vote, ok? please?


Hurray for Hollyboro

Great article about graduates of the Animation program at Edinboro University and their place in the industry:



TONIGHT: Free DVD courtesy of the Eerie Horror Film Festival

we've got some cool announcements to make at "Harold and Maude" tonight. also everyone attending will get a free horror movie on DVD courtesy of the Eerie Horror Film Festival. free movie, free popcorn, free dvd. 'nuff said. later.


Homecoming 2008 fundraiser pics...

Here are some pics from our fundraiser this past Saturday: Lucky Ducks! Thank you to everyone that stopped by and helped us out!


Movies You Should See POSTER!

click to make it big. print it and hang it up all over campus! PRIMER is next Thursday night!


Thursday, October 9, 8:30pm --> "PRIMER"

*Open to EUP Students, Staff, and Faculty - Just show your Edinboro ID at the door - there is no charge for these events.*

Two young engineers work by day for a large corporation while conducting extracurricular experiments on their own time. While tweaking their current project, they accidentally discover that it has some highly unexpected capabilities--ones that could enable them to do and to have seemingly anything they want. Taking advantage of this unique opportunity is the first challenge they face. Dealing with the consequences is the next. A Sundance 2004 Selection where it won Best Feature Film and Grand Jury prizes. First time filmmaker Shane Carruth made "Primer" for $7000. Rated PG-13. Sci-fi/Thriller. 

This Film is KILLER.  It's totally sweet in every concievable way...  and I believe there will be free popcorn!!!